Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's midnight!

Hour 17 Update

Reading Location: On my couch; but I need to find a new place to sit, I'm trying to doze off

Currently Reading: The Nestorian Alliance by Michael Watson

Total Pages read so far: 586

Total Time spent reading so far: 621 minutes

Other Readers I have visited:

  • Azuki, a BookCrossing and BookObssessed pal who lives in Miami
  • Shaunesay, another BC/BO friend who lives in Kansas
  • Nikki, someone new I'm meeting through the Read-a-Thon
  • VeganMedusa, another BC/BO friend who lives in New Zealand. She hasn't posted anything to her blog yet; wonder if she's still asleep.
  • Ann, who used to swap books with us at BookCrossing and BookObsessed, but now reads mostly eBooks.
  • Kanaye, also a BC/BO friend who signed up for this Read-a-Thon but who hasn't posted anything yet.
  • dancing-dog lives in Tennessee and swaps book with us over at BookObsessed
  • Zeteticat, whose name I picked from the list of readers because it was the penultimate one.
  • CandyTX, a fellow Texan, BookCrosser, and BookObssessor.

Mini-challenges completed: Introduction, Mid-event survey, and Feed Me, Seymour

Finished Books:

  • Bring It On by Laura Anne Gilman
  • Corpse Pose by Diana Killian

Comments: In the past 37 minutes, I read ~ 10 pages. (I'm using 16 locations/page to compute the page equivalents in The Nestorian Alliance.) I'm trying to doze off, which I'm sure is due to the fact that I'm so cozily comfortable sitting here on the couch. OK! Got to find a new place to sit or some other way not to fall asleep.

Bring It On by Laura Anne Gilman Corpse Pose by Diana Killian The Nestorian Alliance by Michael Watson


  1. You're having a great readathon! Keep up that reading - it's hard when it reaches the point where you're comfy reading place is too comfortable to stay awake, isn't it?

  2. You're doing great! I'm trying to finish up Plum Lucky and then catch a few hours sleep, then get up for the last few hours of the read-a-thon, I'm definitely getting sleepy here!
