Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dewey's Read-a-Thon; Hour 3 Summary

Hour 3 Update

Reading Location: still at home in Sanger, TX

Currently Reading: The Ruthless Realtor Murders by David A Kaufelt

Total Pages read so far: only 94

Total Time spent reading so far: 88 minutes

Other Readers I have visited: Bekah and Wendy

Finished Books: Same as at hour 2, A Tale of Two Demon Slayers by Angie Fox

Comments: Oh my! I was selected as one of the "readers of the hour" for the 3rd hour, which meant that I received a lot of visitors to my blog and lots of comments on my previous post. Several people mentioned that I read fast—which is somewhat true, but I hope they didn't think that I had read an entire book since the Read-a-Thon began. Nope. I read the last 36 pages of a book which means that I did "finish" it during the Read-a-Thon. We're about to head out for Grapevine for a visit with new Baby Victoria, her parents, and my husband's parents. I'll read all the way down there, but will probably be expected to be sociable at the hospital and at lunch with the in-laws. I'm babysitting for Baby Aiden tonight and his parents tell me he's a good sleeper, so my pages per hour should go up when there are fewer distractions.


  1. You're ahead of me in the reading! Keep it up!

  2. You are doing great. I am still on my first book!

  3. Good luck tonight & have fun :)

  4. You're reading speed is right there with mine. I need 90 minutes for a 100 pages, too.

    Keep going!

  5. Congratulations on getting to spend time with your two new grandbabies. You can always read TO them! Maybe they like a good mystery!

  6. Congrats on reader of the hour

  7. Good job! I'm not in the read-a-Thon, but I'm gonna be checking on you to see how you're doing. Go Elsi!
