Saturday, October 09, 2010

Read-a-Thon: A quick hour 4 update

Update at the beginning of hour 4

Reading Location: still at home on my couch

Currently Reading: Angel's Advocate by Mary Stanton

Total Pages read so far: 106

Total Time spent reading so far: 118 minutes

Other Readers I have visited: Two fellow BookObssessors: VeganMedusa in New Zealand and Dancing-dog in Tennessee.

Mini-challenges completed Back-in-the-Day Children’s Book Challenge

Finished Books: none so far

Comments: In the 3rd hour, I got myself a small snack consisting of a Granny Smith apple and some raw almonds. I should be good until lunch. Also, Hubby is watching NCAA football pre-game stuff on ESPN and I got distracted by a short feature on the Missouri-Colorado game which had 5 downs instead of the normal 4—which mistake by the officials cost Missouri the win. OK, so it wasn't reading, but I am better informed than when I sat down at the top of the hour. Otherwis, I'm making good progress through Angel's Advocate; looks like I'm reading about one page per minute on average. I'm going to pass on the mini-challenges for hour 2 and hour 3. Although I'm a big fan of Indie publishing, I'm not currently reading one right now and that appears to be the criteria for participating in this challenge.

Angel's Advocate by Mary Stanton


  1. Good Morning! Taking a little break to make some visits. I keep seeing that mystery floating around the Bookobsessed world, I may have to give it a try! Good luck, and I'll be back to cheer you on again later!

  2. Goooood morning! Glad to see a fellow Texan with me today :)

  3. Hiya, just popping in to see how you're going - keep it up!

  4. I'm looking forward to your comments and reviews of the books you read today. I'm sure I'll have lots of new titles to add to my must-read list! Happy reading. :-)

  5. Elsi! Just seeing how you're making out. Looks like you're going good!

  6. You're making great progress. Good luck for the rest of the day!
