Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dewey Wrap-Up

I had intended to wake up around 6am and spend the last hour of Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-thon reading. But I didn't set an alarm and I simply slept through the end of the event.


Total Pages read: 274 pages

Total Time spent reading: ~ 4 hours

Finished Books: Only 1: Justice and Her Brothers by Virginia Hamilton

Books read: 4

Justice and Her Brothers by Virginia Hamilton, Ruler of the Sky by Pamela Sargent, The Innocent by David Baldacci, and A Reckless Witch

Book Cover: Justice and Her Brothers by Virginia Hamilton Book Cover: Ruler of the Sky by Pamela Sargent Book Cover: The Innocent by David Baldacci Book Cover: A Reckless Witch by Debora Geary


End of Event Meme:

1) Which hour was most daunting for you?

As I've experienced in prior Dewey's read-a-thons, I simply can't keep going past 3am. So I gave in to the sleepiness and took my Kindle to bed.

2) Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?

I find this question difficult to answer. What is high-interest for me is yawn-producing for others.

3) Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?

I really don't have any suggestions for improvement. The event has matured over the years and I believe it is very well run. What I'd really like to see is a change in the start time. Rotate it around the world. I think it would be fun to start at mid-day instead of always early in the morning.

4) What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?

I definitely like the Warm-up posts. I made the decision to join in at the very last minute, so I didn't spend a lot of time anticipating. I did read most of the Warm-up posts on Friday afternoon and found them quite well done. Kudos to the authors who wrote these for the community.

5) How many books did you read?

I read four books, finishing one. I started out the day reading a young adult speculative fiction novel, Justice and Her Brothers by Virginia Hamilton. After I finished that one, I read part of Ruler of the Sky by Pamela Sargent. After supper, I listened to a couple hours of The Innocent by David Baldacci, and I took the Kindle to bed with me reading A Reckless Witch by Debora Geary until I fell asleep.

6) Which book did you enjoy most?

Although it was the only book which I finished, I don't think I can claim Justice and Her Brothers as a favorite. And, I only read 20 pages or so of Ruler of the Sky and A Reckless Witch. Certainly enjoyed continuing to listen to The Innocent so that was probably my favorite of the day. I just kept dozing off and having to rewind the audio, and knew I needed to put it aside for another day.

7) Which did you enjoy least?

Well, that's like asking which of your 3 favorite desserts you like least. I definitely was enjoying all the books. Ruler of the Sky was the least exciting book, but as a fictionalized biography, that is expected.

8) If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?

I didn't participate as a Cheerleader. I know as a reader, receiving encouragement from cheerleaders—either as comments on my blog or through replies to my tweets—is a big part of the enjoyment of the read-a-thon. I'd love to see more visits to my blog by the cheerleaders.

9) How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?

I don't know too far ahead of time whether I'll participate or not. It depends on what I have scheduled against the read-a-thon. I find that I am not able to stay up all night, so somewhere around midnight I have to give up and go to bed. Therefore, my participation is necessarily limited to the waking hours. I've been a reader each time I've participated in Dewey's, and I'll probably read again.

Disclosure: This post contains links to an affiliate program, for which the BookObsessed online community will receive a few cents if you make purchases.


  1. I've seen a lot of people participating in this readathon, it sounds like fun, although I don't think I would've set a alarm clock either. I can't stay up much later than I normally do and need my sleep. And that's awesome you got 4 books read during the readathon. I might consider joining next time if possible.

    1. Oh my! I didn't finish four books. I simply read parts of four books. I only completed one of them.

      I'd have done much better on the sleepiness if I hadn't stayed up too late on Friday night. Ideal timing for me might be to live in Hawaii (or visit at the same time as Dewey's) where the 24-hours starts at 2am. If I planned properly, I could go to bed really early and get up at 2am for the start and then go to bed at my normal time of 2am on Sunday morning.

      Dewey's is an intense read-a-thon compared to most others that run for a full week, but since it was my first introduction to read-a-thons, it has a special place in my heart.

  2. Ohhh that sounds so fun! I have seen other memes hosted by specific people but not this one until now. This is new to me. haha I love this idea although I am not an avid reader. Or else I would join in. Well that's cool! You finished a book in a very short time and that's amazing :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by. For readers, Dewey's is a great event.

  3. I agree with your answer to number 2, there is no one book that will satisfy all. And I doubt I'll ever be hard core enough to stay up and read all night either. That would take me days to recover from! Glad you enjoyed the day :)

    1. I've only stayed up the full 24 hours the first time I participated. But now I don't feel obligated to -- I just have fun. Thanks for stopping by.
