Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Olympic Read-a-Thon: Days 5 and 6

I am participating in Random House of Canada's Olympic Readathon It's a good thing that I got a running start on the read-a-thon over the weekend. My goal of 2500 pages for Random House of Canada’s Olympic Readathon averages out to 147 per day. On Tuesday, I only read 11 pages! It was a regular business day—away from home—so I didn't get my usual reading time during meals as I was dining with customers and co-workers. Although that pulled my average down a lot, I was able to catch up a bit on Wednesday. It helped that I arrived at the airport 3 hours before my home-bound flight. After checking up on work things and visiting some favorite online sites, I shut down the computer and turned to my book, The Cat, the Professor and the Poison by Leann Sweeney.

Reading while waiting in the airport, during the flight, and on the drive home. Finished the book about 4 miles from the house. Decided not to start another book this late in the evening. Instead, I watched the Women's 800 meter (4x200) freestyle relay with the US team taking gold. I'm feeling good about my current progress toward my goal. As of Wednesday evening, I've read 1119 pages and completed 5 books. That's pretty impressive for me.

The Cat, the Professor and the Poison by Leann Sweeney


Tuesday, 7/31
Number of pages I've read today: 11
Number of books completed today: 0
Total number of pages I've read: 909
Total number of books completed: 4

Wednesday, 8/1
Number of pages I've read today: 210
Number of books completed today: 1
Total number of pages I've read: 1119
Total number of books completed: 5

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