I really didn't intend to get any new books this week. Wait! That's not true. I've been champing at the bit to get back to the library and continue reading the Cadfael and Hamish MacBeth mysteries. But, I picked up some other books this week, too
From the library:
Before Sookie—there was Aurora! I stopped by the library early this week to visit with the librarians and I saw The Dawn of Aurora Teagarden on the book sale table. This is a special omnibus of the first three Aurora Teagarden mysteries, published by the Mystery Guild. Since I have been wanting to read this series, I was happy to toss $1 into the bucket on the table and walk away with the book.
I just couldn't pass up Ruler of the Sky, a novel of the life of Genghis Khan. Publisher's Weekly says the novel is a “somewhat romanticized portrayal” of the Mongol ruler, but other reviewers point out that the story is told from the viewpoint of the women in Genghis Khan's life—his mother, wives, and daughters. I just finished listening to The Secret History of the Mongol Queens, and I'm looking forward to reading another version of their history.
I'm looking forward to reading Sir Philip's Folly, the fourth volume in M. C. Beaton's lighthearted romance series The Poor Relations. The owners of the Poor Relations Hotel are at it again. Sir Philip has caused trouble throughout all the previous books, and now he's fallen for a crude woman who is eating up all the profits at the hotel. As his co-owners plot to get her out of the hotel, they also become involved in the coming-out of a shy young socialite.
To continue reading the Brother Cadfael Mysteries, I borrowed The Sanctuary Sparrow, seventh book in the series. When a young man accused of robbery and murder seeks sanctuary in the Abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul, it falls to Brother Cadfael to prove his innocence.
As I was browsing through the online catalog at my library's Freading eBook service, I saw Beauty by Robin McKinley. This retelling of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale will help me with the Eclectic Reader Challenge. And, as I was reading reviews, I discovered that Beauty was McKinley's first published novel. This should be a fun read.
For review:
Having read and reviewed the first two books in this trilogy, I was pleased to be sent the third book to review. Due to be published on 1 June, Jack Staples and the Poet's Storm is the epic conclusion to the Jack Staples trilogy. Jack and Alexia must make an impossible choice during their final battle against the Assasin—one that could alter time itself and the fate of the world.
Purchased (gift card):
I chose the Kris Longknife books as a series that I wanted to focus on in 2015—along with the Cadfael Mysteries and Elm Creek Quilts. I'm so glad that I did. I had two books on hand and enjoyed reading them during the March Take Control of your TBR Pile Challenge. As soon as March was over, I purchased the next/eighth book and started reading. This week I also discovered that there's a spin-off series telling the stories from the point of view of Vicky Peterwald. So now I feel compelled to get those books and read them as well.
How about you? Any new books? You're invited to tell us all about it by joining the fun at Stacking the Shelves. According to the reviewers at Tynga's Reviews who host the meme:
Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!