Sunday, October 17, 2004

Reading through the Library

The last 7 books that I have read came from the Sanger Public Library. I paid a short visit to the library yesterday, checked out four more books, and put a reserve request on two others. As I explained to someone, I'm busy reading my way through the library.

Broken Dishes On Saturday, 16 October, I finished reading Broken Dishes by Earlene Fowler. This was the eleventh book 'starring' Benni Harper, an amateur sleuth and avid quilter. I reviewed the book in LiveJournal's 50 Book Challenge Community. Like others in this series, I enjoyed the book and recommend it to others who like murder mysteries with believable characters.

Killjoy Killjoy by Julie Garwood was a very fast read — as evidenced by the fact that less than 24 hours passed between the time I started reading this book yesterday and completed it this morning. This book is somewhat of a sequel to Garwood's earlier novels Heartbreaker and Mercy Lead characters from the earlier novels have bit parts in Killjoy, giving a mild sense of continuity to this "series" — much like Catherine Coulter's FBI Series. I definitely enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to the next one in the series, which I shall request through InterLibrary Loan.

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