Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dewey's Read-a-Thon: Nearly Halfway There

Hour 11 Update

Reading Location: Well, for the past 7 hours, we've been up and down California 101 from Arcata to Klamath and back. Now well ensconced in our hotel in Arcata.

Currently Reading: A Face Turned Backward by Lauren Haney

A Face Turned Backward by Lauren Haney

Total Pages read so far: 296

Total Time spent reading so far: 354 min

Other Readers I have visited: Melissa, Azuki, and dancing-dog

Mini-challenges completed: Just the Introductory Questionnaire

Finished Books: 1, Shattered by Karen Robards

Shattered by Karen Robards

Comments: We got back to the hotel shortly after hour 11 began—15:04 to be exact. We left around 10am and drove north up California 101 to the Thomas H. Kuchel Visitor Center, just north of Orick. After checking in and picking up a brochure on the park, we got back in the car and decided to visit the Lady Bird Johnson Grove and then continued driving on Bald Hills Road to the Redwood Creek Overlook—a climb up to 2100 feet. After winding our way back down to sea level, we continued north, bearing off on the Newton B Drury Scenic Parkway to take a look at several sights in the Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. We took pictures at Elk Prairie and Big Tree, then decided to look for some lunch. We drove north to Klamath, but struck out there, so we headed back south and pulled in to a lovely diner/cafe in Orick. Just before arriving in Orick, I finished reading Shattered, so I tucked the paperback into my traveling bookcase and started reading A Face Turned Backward on my Kindle. Now that we've returned to the hotel, I'm checking up on a couple of friends who are also reading today, transferring the hand-written notes I took in the car into my computer, and now updating this blog. Looks like it will be right at the top of the hour when I start reading again.

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