Friday, May 27, 2011

Time flies ...

You know as well as I the old adage: “Time flies when you're having fun.” That's true, but I can also tell you that as you get older, time flies even when you aren't having fun! Time always flies.

Here it is nearly Memorial Day and I'm wondering where the month has gone. Yesterday evening, I finished reading Death on Demand by Carolyn G. Hart, the 8th book I read this month. It looks like the number of books -- and the number of pages -- read in May will be nowhere near as many as in other months this year.

Obviously, I've spent less time reading, why is that? First of all, I traveled less this month. I fit in a lot of reading while I'm in transit. If we're traveling in the car, Steven drives and I read. I read on the airplane. And, if I'm forced to drive, I have a book on CD to listen to. Secondly, I've been making some scrapbook pages in the evenings and on weekends—cutting into my reading time.

I was beginning to be worried about the drop off in books/pages per month until I checked my YTD (year-to-date) status, comparing this year to the two previous years. And I see at this point last year, I had read just about the same number of books and pages. So far, in 2011, I have read 60 books and 20,532 pages, and on 26 May in 2010, I finished reading Vanished by Karen Robards, the 61st book of the year for a total of 19,370 pages. And, on 26 May in 2009, I had read many fewer books at this time of year; I had just finished reading the 51st book of the year, Swapping Lives by Jane Green, with only 17,044 cumulative pages.

Death on Demand by Carolyn G Hart Vanished by Karen Robards Swapping Lives by Jane Green

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